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The primary force of creation, spirit of the aether; absolute potential

Aleph was originally born as a Design + Branding Studio in 2018, from an urge to pull together my interest in magick and a love of good design theory.

A strange combination at first glance!
But the more I thought about it, the more I saw how they were actually beautifully intertwined.

Design is its own form of magick afterall; it has the ability to shape perception - and thus, shape reality itself.

Those who found me were all searching for something a little different. They needed help to pull together their messaging and underlying energy, and communicate it visually in a way that connected deeply with their customers and clients.

After several years of working consistently in this capacity I learned a great deal about visual communication, creative problem-solving, and the depths of storytelling that were required for particular markets.


I also came to many discoveries about creativity in general, and I have found unique and powerful ways to support others to enhance and sustain their own creativity.


Aleph Studio continues to offer Branding and Graphic Design services. But now I also share methods and practices for optimising creativity.



Creativity can save us all.


a few formalities for those interested

Bachelor of Creative Media (Graphic Design)

Qantm Creative College

Jungian Alchemy + Psychology

Centre for Applied Jungian Studies

Bachelor of Mgt + Professional Studies (Social Sciences)

Southern Cross University

Over 15 years experience, working in creative studios and as an independent freelancer for local and International Brands.

Cert IV Assessment + Workplace Training

Tweed Training + Enterprise Company

Active Imagination for Tranformation

Centre for Applied Jungian Studies

I take my work very seriously but I'm also
a little goofy.

Although I take Design, Coaching and Magick very seriously, people like working with me because I bring a sense of playfulness to match the professionalism and formality. So whether you work with me to create your business branding and design, or engage in coaching or creativity workshops - I make it an enjoyable process for all involved. 

Because creativity should be playful! And personal growth can be playful too. 


Michelle xo


authentic + unique

I take a unique and very sincere approach by connecting deeply with others and to my own intuition. I learn rules and then break them.


I am an advocate for you to find approaches that are authentic to you.

practical + pragmatic

Creativity flourishes when there is a practical application. When Practicality and Magick occupy the same space, people notice.

I take a grounded approch to the mystical. Magick is real and I can explain why.

curious + insightful

I’m an learner and find wisdom to support my work in wonderful and unexpected places. I love narratives that take us on a journey of discovery.

I like to explore, and get to the heart of matters with curiosity.


Evolution and transformation are core to my nature. I am always growing as a person and as a professional and support others on

their own ride.

I turn ideas into graphics, burnout into brilliance, and adversity into wisdom.

Authentic + Unique

Practical + Pragmatic

Curious + Insightful


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